Signature Generation
Before submitting a request, a digital signature should be generated and included in the request header signature
All requests passed from/to the Operator’s system must have a signature header.
Algorithm Steps
The algorithm includes the following steps:
- Input validation - the following requirements should be met:
The payload matches the JSON format.
are available. (Provided by Veligames)
- Conversion of all the strings to UTF-8 with alphabetical sorting. Complete the following steps:
- Convert each parameter into a string that contains the full path to the parameter, parameter name, and parameter value.
The parent names, parameter names, and parameter values are separated by a colon (:); delete any commas between “key-value” pairs and any quotation marks that delimit string values.
Leave any empty parameter values empty. In other words, do not replace any empty values with blank space or null. For instance, "brandId":"" is replaced with brandId:.
Convert all the strings to UTF-8.
Sort the strings in alphabetical order and join them in a single string by using a semicolon (;) as a delimiter.
Calculation of HMAC code by using the secret key and the SHA-512 hash function
Encoding the HMAC code by using the Base64 scheme.
Add the signature header in the request and the value should be
Step-By-Step Guide (Node.js Example)
Use the query params object if the request method is GET
, else use the body object.
brandId: 'yourBrand',
gameId: 'garage',
deviceType: 'DESKTOP',
providerId: 'infinity',
language: 'en',
playerId: 'PLAYER-uuid',
currency: 'EUR',
country: 'UK',
sessionId: '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000',
ip: ''
In the case of the following input:
- The strings should be converted to UTF-8.
- Sorted in alphabetical order.
- Joined in a single string by a semicolon (;).
- The output should be:
The output should be:
Now, the HMAC code for the string should be calculated by using the SHA-512 hash function and secret key
encoding HMAC code by using the Base64 scheme.
const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha512', operatorSecret);
return hmac.digest('base64');
The resulting signature should be:
Finally, add the resulting signature in the headers:
signature: "operatorId:0tZAz8d4gy6oG5RFcaSeEqCjXOhlpX8qCTmzIY9V9lEbyTr5wMnLgIgX1IUL3a0F/xOCgT/hBmyOBME3wYauYw=="
To test your signature generation logic. you can use this request
curl -X 'POST' \
'https://VELIGAMES_API_URL/unified-api/public/gen-signature?secret=YOUR_SECRET_KEY' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"providerId": "koibit",
"gameId": "OlympianTreasures",
"language": "en",
"playerId": "PLAYER-112312fa1243",
"currency": "XAF",
"deviceType": "DESKTOP",
"country": "GE",
"brandId": "yourBrand",
"sessionId": "6c210f45-0cae-4dc9-a9ab-8fe48f4406ba",
"ip": ""
It will return how string should be concatenated and final hash for your secretKey. For example