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Signature Generation

Before submitting a request, a digital signature should be generated and included in the request header signature.


All requests passed from/to the Operator’s system must have a signature header.

Algorithm Steps

The algorithm includes the following steps:

  1. Input validation - the following requirements should be met:
  • The payload matches the JSON format.

  • The operatorId and secretKey are available. (Provided by Veligames)

  1. Conversion of all the strings to UTF-8 with alphabetical sorting. Complete the following steps:
  • Convert each parameter into a string that contains the full path to the parameter, parameter name, and parameter value.
  • The parent names, parameter names, and parameter values are separated by a colon (:); delete any commas between “key-value” pairs and any quotation marks that delimit string values.

  • Leave any empty parameter values empty. In other words, do not replace any empty values with blank space or null. For instance, "brandId":"" is replaced with brandId:.

  • Convert all the strings to UTF-8.

  • Sort the strings in alphabetical order and join them in a single string by using a semicolon (;) as a delimiter.

  • Calculation of HMAC code by using the secret key and the SHA-512 hash function

  • Encoding the HMAC code by using the Base64 scheme.

  • Add the signature header in the request and the value should be operatorId:encodedSignature

Step-By-Step Guide (Node.js Example)

Use the query params object if the request method is GET, else use the body object.

brandId: 'yourBrand',
gameId: 'garage',
deviceType: 'DESKTOP',
providerId: 'infinity',
language: 'en',
playerId: 'PLAYER-uuid',
currency: 'EUR',
country: 'UK',
sessionId: '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000',
ip: ''

In the case of the following input:

  1. The strings should be converted to UTF-8.
  2. Sorted in alphabetical order.
  3. Joined in a single string by a semicolon (;).
  4. The output should be:

The output should be:


Now, the HMAC code for the string should be calculated by using the SHA-512 hash function and secret key encoding HMAC code by using the Base64 scheme.

const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha512', operatorSecret);

return hmac.digest('base64');

The resulting signature should be:


Finally, add the resulting signature in the headers:

signature: "operatorId:0tZAz8d4gy6oG5RFcaSeEqCjXOhlpX8qCTmzIY9V9lEbyTr5wMnLgIgX1IUL3a0F/xOCgT/hBmyOBME3wYauYw=="

To test your signature generation logic. you can use this request

curl -X 'POST' \
'https://VELIGAMES_API_URL/unified-api/public/gen-signature?secret=YOUR_SECRET_KEY' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"providerId": "koibit",
"gameId": "OlympianTreasures",
"language": "en",
"playerId": "PLAYER-112312fa1243",
"currency": "XAF",
"deviceType": "DESKTOP",
"country": "GE",
"brandId": "yourBrand",
"sessionId": "6c210f45-0cae-4dc9-a9ab-8fe48f4406ba",
"ip": ""

It will return how string should be concatenated and final hash for your secretKey. For example
