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Game API


  • Requests and responses contain the header Content-Type: application/json
  • Requests are made via the HTTP POST method
  • All requests passed from/to the Operator's system have a signature header.
  • Request Direction: Operator => Veligames


Start game

Using this method Operator can receive a valid launch URL to a requested game.

POST /start-game
sessionIdstringOne-time identifier (UUID) generated by OPERATOR for the specific sessionYes
providerIdstringIdentifier of the game providerYes
gameIdstringIdentifier of the gameYes
languagestringPreferred language for the game. Examples: en, frYes
playerIdstringIdentifier of the player. (/^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/)Yes
currencystringPlayer's ISO 4217 currency code. Examples: EUR, USDYes
deviceTypestringType of the device used. DESKTOP or MOBILEYes
countrystringCountry of the player. 2-letter country code (ISO 3166 alpha-2) Examples: UK, DE, GEYes
ipstringPlayer IPYes
brandIdstringCasino Brand IdentifierYes
userAgentstringUser AgentNo
lobbyUrlstringCasino Lobby UrlNo
cashierUrlstringCasino Cashier UrlNo
lobbyIdstringLobby IdNo
playerNamestringPlayer NameNo

JSON Response body:

startGameUrlLink to the game to be open on the VeliGames side. This link will contain parameters that should remain as is.Yes

Start demo game

Using this method Operator can receive a valid DEMO launch URL to a requested game

POST /start-demo-game
providerIdstringIdentifier of the game providerYes
gameIdstringIdentifier of the gameYes
languagestringPreferred language for the game. Examples: en, frYes
deviceTypestringType of the device used. Examples: DESKTOP, MOBILEYes
ipstringPlayer IPYes
brandIdstringCasino Brand IdentifierYes
playerIdstringIdentifier of the player (/^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/)No
countrystringCountry of the player. 2-letter country code (ISO 3166 alpha-2) Examples: UK, DE, GENo
userAgentstringUser AgentNo
lobbyUrlstringCasino Lobby UrlNo
cashierUrlstringCasino Cashier UrlNo
lobbyIdstringLobby IdNo
playerNamestringPlayer NameNo

JSON Response body:

startGameUrlLink to the game to be open on the VeliGames side. This link will contain parameters that should remain as is.Yes

Error Protocol

ErrorStatus CodeResponse from VeliGames to platform
UNKNOWN_ERROR500General error, internal server error
BAD_REQUEST400Missing/invalid parameters in start game
UNAUTHORIZED401Invalid signature
GAME_NOT_FOUND404GameId does not exist
SESSION_EXISTS400Session already exists

Request example

curl -X 'POST' \
'https://VELIGAMES_API_URL/unified-api/public/start-game' \
-H 'signature: someOperatorId:G6pRpaYWMMpoIepMuarLiO4NId0kI6b3ShoJxXbczydcaqy2OwO3TLtYRTHGDYPbEJwIDaVH4eYvuUNXpyi2PA==' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"providerId": "acceptance-tests",
"gameId": "e2e",
"language": "en",
"playerId": "PLAYER-112312fa1243",
"currency": "XAF",
"deviceType": "MOBILE",
"country": "GE",
"brandId": "brandId",
"sessionId": "6c210f45-0cae-4dc9-a9ab-8fe48f4406ba",
"ip": ""


"startGameUrl": "string"


"error": "GAME_NOT_FOUND"